Education for your life
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Recognize 5 Dangers of Cellphone Electromagnetic Radiation That Can Damage Brain Nerves, Jakarta Electromagnetic radiation comes from invisible electromagnetic waves. The source of electromagnetic waves is electronic devices. The more often you use electronic devices, the more you are exposed to electromagnetic radiation. One of the most frequently used electronic devices is a cellphone. In fact, the dangers of mobile phone electromagnetic radiation can also harm health.
Several studies reveal the dangers of electromagnetic radiation to be aware of. This danger is closely related to the health of humans who often use it. The dangers and effects can be even worse if used by children. The risks posed are cancer, damage to the nervous system, miscarriage, and many more.
Even so, actually some research results should be carried out further research. Not quite true, but limiting their use is also safer. Limiting use will avoid the dangers of mobile phone electromagnetic radiation which is a risk to health.
The following reviews the dangers of mobile phone electromagnetic radiation from various sources, Friday (3/7/2020).
Tumors and Cancer
Brain Nerve Damage
Sleep Disorders and Headaches
Male Fertility
Interrupt Pregnancy
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
The algorithm used to Ngoding then, programmers do not rush
the origin of ever
The first learning algorithm
- Star
- Input a and b
- Process a+b
- Output c
- finish
Write Code compliant algorithms
Try with other algorithms
For those of you who have tried to make algorithms and practiced into any language, comments below yes. If there are any errors we discussed in the next article, Okey?
How to grow organic vegetables is a very enjoyable job especially if done by beginners because in this condition the beginners who are learning to gardening have an extraordinary spirit so it is unfortunate if it stops in the middle of the road. Making vegetable garden in the yard of the house is not difficult. It only takes a few tips in order not to misstep and plants can be fast to harvest.
It should be underlined that these organic vegetables are healthy vegetables that provide much benefit. Because most people always use vegetables to be processed into food or groceries are always exposed to chemicals. So trying to apply this organic vegetable planting is a fitting breakthrough. If you need healthy non-chemical vegetables and can also be practiced in your own yard/garden.
Planting Media In addition can be planted in the garden can also be planted in polybags, pots, or containers of former mineral plastics or others. Because using the media pot and the like will be easily placed in a narrow place without having to need a wide field. The benefits of this plant can also be used for personal use as a spice kitchen or herbal medicine. It can also be an additional income to resell, so that at least the kitchen needs can be pressed in such a way.
How to grow organic vegetables (beginners)
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Prepare medium-sized gardening grounds
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Fertile land elections |
How to grow the next organic vegetable is the choice of fertile soil. For beginners It is important to choose the ground with good quality. Balance the dose of compost with soil quality and thickness. Watering the water on the ground also try to taste the levels only.
Here's the preparation
There are some plants that can survive in bad soil conditions. But most of them will grow well and be more productive on the farm land that many have to practice organic materials.
The right crop selection according to the condition
Help other crops
The way to grow the next organic vegetable is with the help of pollination of another flower crop. This is done to encourage insects in the form of bees and other pollinators to visit the yard to help the pollination process. Because pollination is a major success in gardening in the yard itself.
Making organic fertilizer/compost and mulch plastic independently
Providing organic ingredients in the preparation of how to grow organic vegetables is one of the best things that can be done. One is to make your own compost which is useful to help the soil retain moisture. Provide nutritional resources for plants and worms as well as microbes to help the melting and improving the texture of the soil.
So easily make compost in your own garden. That is by mixing and stacking leaf mixture and clipping the garden. Other pieces of grass and household waste. Like coffee powders and egg shells in one place and wait a few days.
Find the best seeds
It is important to find a reputable seed. Because by buying certified organic seeds/seeds. So it can be ensured that this starter plant is made without using chemicals or pesticides. Today many seedlings and catalogs have been certified. Many local farmers market can be used as a reference to be used as a beginner plant for the vegetable garden to be done.
Wind and water factors
The factor to be considered in how to grow the next organic vegetable is. If the yard or garden is in an area that has high strong wind intensity. Then consider making a fence of plants, walls or other structures that are near plants. It is be to reduce the effect of strong wind damage. If not create a windshield like installing a strong trellis nearby to optimize this purpose.
Also make irrigation safe and comfortable for the organic vegetable plant. No need to use a long hose or drag the sprayer to water. Use a simple tool like a tin buffer that contains water for water watering process.
Species of rare plants to planted
Selection of rare plants that can be used as varieties are vegetables Heirloom. It is an ancient variety that existed before the hybrid varieties that existed at this time. Many advantages gained. Among them are more durable and resistant to disease attacks. Taste more delicious, more nutrients. And good again the price is cheaper. Other benefits gained are varieties of this type. If it is made seeds will be stored for planting in the coming year. Of course these benefits are not obtained by hybrid varieties.
Companion plants
Already a natural law, certain plant combinations will work really well if it grows alongside (Simbiosis mutualism). Plant suitable crops, herbs, or other vegetables with different vegetables. Can help add to the results, preventing insect pests, minimizing the disease, can even improve the taste of organic vegetables.
Elevated planting sites
The best way to provide organic soils for the vegetables to be processed is to build a bewith. The benefit of building a bewith is in order to extend the planting season significantly. The land that is elevated from the normal surface will become warmer at the beginning of the day. So it has a good impact for the provision of soil nutrients for grown organic vegetables.
Vertical Gardening Techniques
Using vertical gardening technique is if the garden to be used has a small coverage area. Then the use of Teralis, cage, and rope can be used as a means of practicing certain organic vegetables to grow. So that another empty land space can be utilized to plant vegetables of different types.
Another advantage of vertical gardening techniques is to improve air circulation. So as to prevent the spread of mushroom and other pests by keeping the vegetable lake from the ground.
Rotate crops from year to year
Rotate a crop is a common technique that is commonly done by farmers. Because this step can help farmers reduce the problem of crop pests and diseases as well as to prevent soil from depleting the supply of certain nutrients. So it can be used as a good step to prepress this same principle in organic vegetable planting in the yard of home.
How to grow organic vegetable tutorials. At the beginning of the planting possible on the inexperienced will find it difficult to practice. But for those who have done it themselves will feel fun. And, of course, will continue to develop techniques to plant it and will learn the lack of cultivation of organic vegetables.
sumber :
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Raising Children Through Singing Intelligence
Smart shit not necessarily his future bright and successful
.For it , besides the ability cognitive good , children must have the ability
organize and sociable well .It can obtained if right brain pertaining to the
intelligence emotional , and left brain that deals with intelligence
intellectual children balanced and function optimally .
At least to balance the brain right and left brain children
can be done through activities singing .Why singing ?Because singing are the
activities that can be enjoyed the many ages .In addition , this activity also
it can be used as a means of expressing yourself and mencerdaskan personal
children .
With teaching
children singing songs in accordance with age of beneficial for the development
of the baby .Let alone teach singing which are packed in a game .Must be it is
fascinating .
The following this
how balance the brain right and left children through singing packed in form of
play .
First , aturlah a seated position child iike maybe before
singing .Can across the lap and also sitting on the front seat .To work for
children and parents come face to face each other .Also notice the gap on ,
because there a pattern the interaction of children and parents can keep waking
up .
Second , choose a
ditty that can be sung children .For example , balonku there are five , my hat
round , or another piece that his words can be substituted with the name of the
son .This will make the game memorable and satisfy the .
Third , if possible
enter the name of the son a lot in song .The internet , when the parents sing a
song my hat round , parents can change said i with the name of the son
.Of here the brain right and left children will collaborated and accustomed to
to balanced .
Fourth , use as much as possible creation , the name sister ,
brother , father , mother , or the names of animals and plants that around him .While
singing , parents can visualize song with pointed object sung .The internet ,
as he was sing a song cicak-cicak on the wall , parents singing pointing the
lizard you are sticking in a wall and others .
Fifth , putarlah song children in a recurrent manner .This is
done so that child can memorize understand the contents of song , so that
balance the brain right and left brain children trained and awake .Good try !
sumber :
Friday, September 8, 2017
5 Benefits Plastic Garbage Households
But one is less than plastic besides benefits that is platik who has not used or in a flue commonly called plastic garbage could not terurau with easy on the ground .And when in bakarpun plastic contains a chemical this will deliver zatnya and damage the environment about .
Plastic content
Plastic containing various chemicals that is bad for the health and also cleanliness of the environment .What is in plastic is carcinogen containing a poison that can produce kinds of diseases and, like a tumor , endocrine and genital .
In addition recent study this informed us that plastic has more than 100 kind of a highly toxic chemical.The material mixed in a factory as the raw material for of making plastic then spread throughout the.
That is why many options choose to forbid the use of plastic for fear of chemicals are mixed in the food .As many votes bring to the basket of plastic to avoid negative effects for health in a long period of time .
There is one way that they could reduce negative effects of arising from the use of plastic that excessive namely by recycling .Now there are many community in the communities that build aimed at by recycling on of the plastic to make in the value of that can be on sale of plastic waste that is not previously worth in the community .
The following in explain benefits plastic garbage for life a days:
1 .Organic fertilizers
The first benefit from trash plastic is as organic fertilizers .Plastic not used longer be at the tomb and mixed with land ground containing many sides hara .Organic fertilizers can be give to fertilize plants in order to reproduce by fertile .
now many plants need organic fertilizers derived from natural fertilizer because it is nyatu with the nature and way find it is classified as easy in be .To the expenditure price can be save a certain percentage of expenditure so that the spending could be in shift your to another .
2 .fodder
Fodder or food for cattle also half in a can of plastic garbage previously been in recycling.Many the benefit of plastic garbage this makes us have no doubt to cultivate material so much better.And that proliferation of fodder this provides advantages if we produce more enough then we can sells to people who need fodder.
3 .handicraft
You have ever see handicrafts which beautiful and amaze many eyes but derived from plastic garbage .One craft beautiful also able to attract attention as a product in export out to sell and deportment large the there .If that happens t imagine why who will having many benefits in give .Of the creator of the craft this beautiful successful .
craft a hand can was built by of material recycled who has not used as works of art worth and making money .Therefore craft be really worth in the hands of one who has skill like that .
4 .container other
Benefits from trash plastic lai is as a container other.A container other here means that in use as a place to paint or drawing. If this time many who paints on paper and a canvas so painting on plastic give the impression of worth.And unique so as to cause uniqueness that was one of the lure as a container other is used in add to their income.
5 .concrete block
Adobe a small proportion of also in benefits right from cycling out of plastic talk to be used as raw materials making adobe.Adobe derived from plastic garbage this made in prepared at home a house with the minimalism and not great.So that was the benefit of garbage recycling many in use in the life of a day.
Plastic pollution
1 environmental pollution
The negative impact that have occurred from environmental pollution is damaging the environment such as garbage scattered where which .This certainly can be a health problem because plastic trash it will become a den of diseases such as the mosquito to breed .Disease associated with the gnat is dengue fever and malaria .
2 flood If the number of plastic unbalanced with a overflow so it could happen waste disposal plastics and bottles littered as in a river and also the sea .And aggravating circumstances winter coming .Rivers have been fill in plastic trash can cause flood that pooled about residential area .Because it was necessary be noticed and kesaran for themselves to dispose garbage in place .
3 at sea Damage at sea that most fatal is its death fishs who live in the sea because tainted with plastic garbage that dumped to the sea.First is in a flue on the edge of the beach.But increasingly plastic garbage it could have been carried away current to the middle of the ocean and if in a long could be the sea is full of trash because they cannot in deal with with either by local.
4 water polluted soil Waters used as one of the drink for us in the life of a days is ground water was found in the land.Ground water could have tainted because of a plastic affected by water producing a chemical compound that is harmful to keshatan in the long run.If the water percolate to the ground can memepengaruhi ground water being polluted.
5 atmospheric The atmosphere it could happen contamination from burning plastic waste much.As the same know that plastic has ingredients that can cause pollution for air and the health of who were around.
so that is the impact of arising from environmental pollution in the day to day.Plastic pollution uncontrolled all ecosystem destructive as air, the sea, rivers to the ground.
Friday, September 6, 2013
understanding cells
definition of one's unit cell happens to be the smallest structural and useful constituent of sentient beings. definitions of terms such cells may be somewhat hard to perceive, so, we could simplify the definition of cells. constituent of one's cell happens to be the smallest unit of sentient beings. our bodies ( human ) consists of thousands or maybe even several cells, and even as with plants and animals. plant and animal cell images can possibly be seen below :
picture of plant cell and animal cell
in line with campbell during book biology vol 1 ( eighth edition ). cells derived coming from the word cella that means that the area is small. probably the cell could be a unit ( unit zahra ) the smallest organization that became the idea of life within the biological sense. all the functions of life are organized and held within the cells, as a result of cells which will gathering autonomy as long as their desires are met.
unicellular and multicellular organisms organime
organisms ( sentient beings ) consisting of several cells are known as multicellular, for instance, is human, animal and plant. whereas the organism has just one cell known as unicellular, for instance, could be a bacteria and algae. therefore it could be concluded that the multicellular organism is an organism whose body is created ; ;up of several cells whereas unicellular organisms are organisms that have only one unmarried cell just like a constituent body.
differences organesme unicellular and multicellular organisms apart coming from the range of cells creating up multicellular body is organime typically has an excellent body and can possibly be seen via the eye while not the use of tools, whereas microscopic organisms unicellular normally sized and had to work with microscopes out to read it.
will a virus have cells ?
image structure of one's virus ( the virus has no cell )
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virus structure image |
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
basically the cell is divided into 2 types, namely prokaryotic cells and cell eukariotk. prokaryotic cells, a cell type that doesn't have the endomembrane system in order that this kinds of cell possesses a core material that will be not restricted by a membrane system, don't have organelles bounded by membrane systems. eukaryotic cells have organelles bounded by membrane systems are typically stated just like the nuclear membrane.
Many of us really like coffee, there are those who like to mix it with sugar, some like to add it with milk or creamer, and much more, what...

falling could be a common occurrence in children each within and outside the home. oldsters needs to be terribly worried in reg...
How to grow organic vegetables is a very enjoyable job especially if done by beginners because in this condition the beginners who are lea...
This article I will discuss the algorithm used to be ngoding then because most programmers beginners when learning the ngoding, the most m...