Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The algorithm used to Ngoding then, programmers do not rush


This article I will discuss the algorithm used to be ngoding then because most programmers beginners when learning the ngoding, the most major thing is to bring up "Hello World". That time I tried it in Borland C++. Now I'm still in school?

You can imagine that I would be familiar with color, that day should be acquainted with the black and white. What a marvel of that time I was, wealthy out of a crocodile cage going into a tiger cage.

Over time, I learned through tutorials from YouTube and articles about C++ programming. Nothing is error, yes people trace hehe... And I can also memorize it with the script that I'm looking for on the net.
Well, at a mid-semester exam, I faced a question that should practice on campus computers. I was really confused at that time because the script was error-struck. Until I was at the point of participation.
From that experience I concluded a few things about the actual order of ngoding learning. So, don't
the origin of ever

The first learning algorithm

This is where the algorithm is very important because a novice programmer should not directly greet the world ("Hello World") especially directly in Java. Learn instructions on how the program runs later. We can analyze and check if you find difficulties in the program logic so that it can resolve itself, not even left behind hehe..

Examples of calculations:
  1. Star
  2. Input a and b
  3. Process a+b
  4. Output c
  5. finish
The algorithm process can also be found and applied in everyday life such as cooking instant noodles starts from preparing ingredients until noodles are ready to be served.

Write Code compliant algorithms

After many algorithms that you make on paper, then change the algorithm to programming language. So later it looks, which algorithm is not the path or which logic is not in the algorithm that you are making.
Well after so, then testing.. Usually Kalo is still novice is only syntax, but if it has made an Erronya application of logic.

Try with other algorithms

If you've used one algorithm and succeeded, start learning other algorithms and do comparisons, whichever is more effective for the program. Human nature is reasonable quickly satisfied, usually after learning the algorithm and managed to make it practical then he will be lazy to dig deeper and happy to settle in the material first.
For novice programmers have to learn a lot about algorithms and directly trials, so that when meeting new problems can get it done easily.

The last one learns a new language

Wahhh the algorithm that was made already I thought in C++ and the result is no error. When there is no error then our hearts will be glad not a head.
Time to try another language to apply the algorithm you are creating. A good algorithm for sure when tested on other programming languages will be easy to execute because basically all programming languages are the same, just the writing is different.

Therefore, it becomes a challenge for programmers to be able to master a language. The essence of the above discussion is, programmer expert must be once amateur, no one directly make the application. Surely they also learned the algorithm first.

For those of you who have tried to make algorithms and practiced into any language, comments below yes. If there are any errors we discussed in the next article, Okey?

This article was written by Zidni Sika Azkia, Junior Content Writer Dicoding Indonesia "Yuk, join the Dicoding, there are many programming materials from beginner to expert!"

For those of you who are novice programmers, Dicoding there tablets make Android application for beginners, check here:

Do not want to lose with those who already win a lot of challenge making applications one of them Novan. See the story here:

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