Tuesday, July 23, 2013


strategies and stages of wastewater treatment method is developed terribly diverse. liquid wastes that contain totally different pollutants can doubtless need totally different processing. treatment processes can possibly be applied as an entirea mixture of many processes or no more than one. the treatment method will too be modified according towards the desires or monetary factors. 

1.primary processing ( primary treatment ) 
primary treatment stage of wastewater may be a method a lot of the physics processing. 

a. penyaringa ( screening ) 
1st, sewage flowing throughout the sewer grate was filtered employing a filter. this methodology is termed screening. screening methodology is efficient and cheap means to firmly eliminate solid materials coming from the large-sized wastewater. 

b. early treatment ( pretreatment ) 
second, the waste that is filtered and after that distributed alittle market to firmly tank or vessel that serves to firmly separate the suspended sand and alternative solid particles which are relatively giant. this tank is in english known as a grit chamber and also the means it works is by slowing the flow of waste ensuring that the particles - particles of sand falls towards the bottom of one's tank whereas the waste water continues to firmly flow towards the next method

c. precipitation 
when going throughout the initial stages of processing, wastewater will certainly be discharged to some settling tank or basin. deposition methodology will be the primary methodology of treatment and possibly the most widely used within the primary treatment of wastewater. in settling tanks, wastewater be allowed to firmly particles - solid particles which are suspended within the waste water will settle towards the bottom of one's tank. enadapn particles can kind a sludge which may then be separated coming from the waste water channel to firmly another for any processing. additionally towards the deposition methodologytoo referred to as flotation methodology ( floation ). 

d. flotation ( floation ) 
this methodology is effectively used to firmly take away pollutants like oil or grease. flotation method is created by employing a tool which will generate air bubbles are small ( ± 30-120 microns ). the air bubbles can bring particles towards the surface of one's oil and grease waste water therefore it may then be removed. 
when wastewater containing pollutants that have simply be removed via a primary treatment method, the wastewater having undergone primary treatment method can possibly be immediately discarded kelingkungan ( waters ). though, if these wastes too contain alternative pollutants which are a challenge to break through that method, or disease-causing agents like organic and inorganic compounds dissolved, the waste desires to firmly be channeled into any processing. 

2. secondary processing ( secondary treatment ) 
secondary treatment stage may be a biological treatment method, ie by involving microorganisms which will break down / degrade organic matter. microorganisms are used commonly are aerobic bacteria. 
there will be 3 strategies of biological treatment is popular screening methodology with droplets ( trickling filter ), activated sludge methodology ( activated sludge ), and strategies of treatment ponds ( treatment ponds / lagoons ). 

a. trickling filter method 
during this methodology, aerobic bacteria are used to firmly degrade organic matter hooked up and grown connected to layer of coarse media, sometimes within the kind of items of stone or plastic, by having thickness of ± 1-3 m. wastewater then sprayed on a surface of one's media and allowed to firmly seep throughout the media. throughout the infiltration method, the organic material contained within the waste will certainly be degraded by aerobic bacteria. when seeping down towards the base of one's media, the waste can drip inside container vessel and after that channeled into settling tanks. 
in settling tanks, waste re-experience the deposition method for separating suspended solid particles and microorganisms from wastewater. precipitate formed can endure any processing waste, whereas waste water will certainly be discharged straight into the environment or channeled towards the subsequent processing if it continues to be needed 

b. methodology of activated sludge 
within the activated sludge methodology or activated sludge, wastewater is channeled inside tank and mixed with sewage sludge in it rich aerobic bacteria. degradation method happens within the tank for a couple hours, assisted when using the provision of air bubble aeration ( oxygen delivery ). aeration will accelerate the difficult work of bacteria to firmly degrade waste. furthermore, the waste is channeled into settling tanks to firmly endure the actual procedure of deposition, whereas sludge containing bacteria are transmitted back towards the aeration tank. like the strategy of trickling filters, waste that is through this method can possibly be discharged straight into the environment or processed any if still dperlukan. 

c. treatment strategies ponds / lagoons 
strategies of treatment ponds / lagoons or ponds treatment may be a cheap methodology other then the actual procedure is relatively slow. during this methodology, the liquid waste is placed in open ponds. algae that grow by the surface of one's pool can photosynthesis produces oxygen. oxygen will be used by your bacteria aero for our decomposition / degradation of organic material within the waste. during this methodologygenerally too aerated pond. throughout the degradation method in ponds, waste may also experience the deposition method. once the degraded waste and precipitates a pond bottom, will disalurka wastewater to firmly be discharged straight into the environment or processed any

3. . tertiary treatment ( tertiary treatment ) 
tertiary treatment is done if when primary and secondary treatment, there will be still sure substances in wastewater which will be harmful towards the environment or society. tertiary treatment is specific, which means that treatment is tailored towards the remaining substances in wastewater / waste water. usually substances which will not be eliminated entirely through primary and secondary treatment processes are dissolved inorganic substances, like nitrates, phosphates, and salts. 
tertiary treatment is typically mentioned as advanced processing ( advanced treatment ). this processing includes numerous series of chemical and physical processes. examples of tertiary treatment strategies which will be taken will be the methodology of sand filter, multimedia filter, filter precoal, microstaining, vacuum filters, activated carbon absorption, reduction of iron and manganese, and osmosis commute. 
tertiary treatment strategies are rarely applied towards the waste treatment facility. this can be due towards the cost needed to firmly undertake tertiary treatment processes tend to firmly be high therefore it isn't economical.

4.disinfection ( desinfection ) 
disinfection or murder aimed at killing germs or reduce pathogenic microorganisms present in wastewater. meknisme chemical disinfection can be done by adding a compound / substance, or by physical treatment. in determining the compound to kill microorganisms, there are some things that need to be addressed : 
• the toxicity of substances 
• the contact time required 
• the effectiveness of substance 
• dose levels used 
• there may be toxic to humans and animals 
• resistant to water 
• low cost 
example in wastewater disinfection mechanism is the addition of chlorine ( chlorination ), irradiation with ultraviolet ( uv ), or with ozone ( oз ; ; ). 
on wastewater disinfection process is usually done after the sewage treatment process is complete, ie after the primary treatment, secondary or tertiary, before the waste discharged into the environment. 

5. processing lumpur ( slude treatment ) 
each stage of wastewater treatment, both primary, secondary, or tertiary, will result in deposition of pollutants in the form of mud. the sludge can not be disposed of directly, but pelu processed further. sewage sludge results will usually processed by disassembly / ingested aerobic ( anaerobic digestion ), and then distributed to several alternative, which is dumped into the sea or land disposal ( landfill ), used as compost, or burned ( incinerated ).

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